I’m a Regional Sales Strategy Director for Experian in France. While Experian provides grants for entrepreneurs, we are always looking for ways to support...
Working in partnership with British charity, the National Literacy Trust, Experian has helped to analyze literacy levels across England. The study reveals that 86% of English...
I’m the Head of Utilities in Experian’s Energy and Water Sector. I handle a very specialized form of fraud called “energy theft,” where an...
Today we are living in a world of data. It is everywhere, affecting many aspects of not only how our businesses are run, but...
I’m the Product Manager of Brazil’s Limpa Nome Online Recovery Portal, which was developed to help people manage and clear their debts. In Brazil,...
Most people who tune into the Super Bowl fall into one of three buckets – Those who watch for the love of the game...
I’m an Experian Health Training Manager. I get to meet with healthcare organizations and teach them how to use our Financial Assistance Screening tool,...
I lead Experian’s EMEA Procurement team, where I work with Experian’s offices around the world when they begin implementing new projects or product ideas....
Portuguese Translation I’m a Marketing Analyst in Serasa Experian’s Data Strategy and Management department. While my day job is to help businesses create user-friendly...