Experian North America has once again been recognized for its inclusive work environment and corporate culture by The Orange County Register. This marks the 11th straight year that Experian has been named to the list of Top Workplaces. The publication annually surveys employees at hundreds of local businesses to evaluate their respective companies on a variety of criteria. According to the OC Register, we earned the accolade based on a positive company culture and listening to our team. This was highlighted by employees’ response to our collaborative and engaging work environment — one that enables every team member to clearly understand their own personal contribution to the company's mission. By welcoming a wide range of ideas and opinions, we’ve been able to create a favorable environment for employee achievement while continuing to develop new and better ways to serve our clients and benefit consumers. This latest award builds on other recognitions the company has received, including being recognized on Fortune’s list of the “100 Best Companies to Work For.” Great Places to Work, a global authority on workplace culture, has listed Experian as one of the “Best Workplaces for Parents™” and one of the “Best Workplaces for Millennials™” “While business strategy is core to our growth and success, the only way that strategy gets executed is to build a culture that makes workers want to stick around and give their best each day,” said Jennifer Schulz, Experian North America CEO. “I am proud that we are recognized for driving an award-winning culture, while staying true to our growth strategy.”
We are pleased to share that during last night’s annual Credit Awards, Experian scooped a special recognition award for our work supporting consumers, businesses, and the UK economy through the cost-of-living crisis. Part of this support focused on delivering financial education to marginalised groups – including younger people who were acutely feeling the pressure of rising costs and economic uncertainty. A great example of this was our work alongside the influential voices of Young Money blogger, Iona Bain, and celebrity footballer Bayo Akinfenwa, promoting credit education and helping young people take control of their financial health through a series of original videos on social media. The campaign reached over 1 million 18-25 year olds and guests at the ceremony were treated to a viewing of one of the campaign videos. In addition, Experian’s #EaseTheSqueeze campaign has been helping people manage their budgets, with tips and guidance about how they can take control of their finances. So far, we have managed to reach 8.5 million people in the UK. And, finally, our annual Credit Awareness Week campaign continues to help people develop a better understanding of credit, including how credit scoring works, dispelling common myths, and tackling issues such as credit refusal. We have also made huge strides developing an exciting pipeline of unique solutions in response to the cost of living crisis. For example, Experian’s Support Hub aims to help consumers with support needs to better connect with financial institutions and other services they need to access. By 2030, it is hoped the Support Hub will help more than 7 million disabled people. Judges from across the credit industry presided over the Credit Awards 2023, which was organised by Credit Strategy magazine and held at London’s Grosvenor House Hotel. The ‘Outstanding Company Contribution to the Industry’ award celebrates the continuous work from one company for betterment of the industry. Commenting on Experian’s win, Credit Strategy’s Group Editor Michal Lodej said: “Experian has worked tirelessly to improve the publics’ knowledge about their finances and have developed numerous tools for consumers to evaluate and improve their financial health. Their dedication to make a difference has provided much-need value for millions of people as well as the wider credit industry. For that reason, Experian were worthy winners of this year’s ‘Outstanding Company Contribution to the Industry’ award.” As the current economic environment adds extra pressure on households around the world, we recognise the significance of the role we can play to help ensure people can get through this period of financial pressure. It’s important that we continue to do all we can to keep pace, and we remain committed to equip people with the knowledge and tools to help them manage their finances effectively.
Understanding how credit works is key to protecting your financial health in any environment – and this is especially true today. What’s new: To see how America’s youngest consumers are faring, we recently deployed a national survey looking at: Gen Z and millennial’s understanding of credit and personal financeHow recent economic news is impacting their financial health What would make them feel more optimistic about their situation Why it matters: As we look ahead, millennials and Gen Z consumers will be the biggest drivers of spending and our economy. Ensuring they have access to trusted financial education and resources is key. Survey highlights include: Building a strong credit history is key to unlocking many things we want in life, yet many younger people do not understand its importance until they get older. The bottom line: Our research revealed many Gen Z and millennial consumers are simply unsure how to successfully build credit and are hungry for trusted resources of personal finance information. “We believe in financial power for all and ensuring America’s youngest consumers are empowered to be financially independent adults is key to achieving this,” said Christina Roman, consumer education advocate at Experian. “Personal finance and credit education are central to our mission. We are committed to being a trusted resource for consumers looking to improve their financial health during our current economic environment and beyond.” How Experian Can HelpThere are free and easy steps consumers can take to help improve their financial health with Experian, including: Getting a free copy of your Experian credit report and FICO[1] Score®[2] at www.experian.com or via Experian’s mobile app. Our app also has free personal finance and credit building tools Add positive telecom, utility, video streaming service and qualifying rent payments to your Experian credit report through Experian Boost[3] for an opportunity to improve your credit scores by visiting www.experian.com/boost. Young consumers without an established credit history can download Experian’s mobile app and enroll in a free Experian membership to establish, use and grow credit responsibly with Experian Go™ Joining Experian’s #CreditChat hosted by @Experian on Twitter with financial experts every Wednesday at 3 p.m. Eastern timeVisiting the Ask Experian blog for answers to common questions, advice and education about creditLearn how to build and protect your credit with Experian’s Credit Essentials for Everyone flipbook and find additional credit education resources at resources at http://www.experian.com/consumereducation. Find additional money-saving resources from Experian by visiting experian.com/savings Survey MethodologyExperian commissioned Atomik Research to conduct an online survey of 2,008 adults between the ages of 18-42 years old throughout the United States, with even distribution between Generation Z (N=1,005) and millennials (N=1,003) participants. The margin of error is +/- 2 percentage points with a confidence level of 95 percent. Fieldwork took place between March 31, 2023, and April 4, 2023. Atomik Research is an independent, creative market research agency. [1] FICO is a registered trademark of Fair Isaac Corporation [2] Credit score calculated based on FICO Score 8 model. Your lender or insurer may use a different FICO® Score than FICO® Score 8, or another type of credit score altogether. Learn more. [3] Results will vary. Not all payments are boost-eligible. Some users may not receive an improved score or approval odds. Not all lenders use Experian credit files, and not all lenders use scores impacted by Experian Boost. Learn more.
Nearly 50 million consumers have a nonexistent or limited credit history. That is a major problem in need of a world-changing idea. Experian, in its ongoing efforts to promote financial equity and inclusion, introduced a new offering last year that directly addresses this problem: Experian Go™. This free program empowers “credit invisibles” to establish their financial identity within minutes. And it has already helped tens of thousands of consumers who are new to credit establish an Experian credit report, a critical first step to things like buying a car or renting an apartment. Now Experian Go has been recognized with the prestigious Fast Company 2023 World Changing Ideas Award for the company’s use of innovative technology to promote financial inclusion. Fast Company’s World Changing Ideas Award celebrates the most impactful and innovative ideas that have the “potential to drive true change.” The award seeks to elevate finished products and brave concepts that make the world better, with the goal of honoring ingenuity and fostering innovation. Experian Go addresses a crucial need by providing individuals with no credit history with the tools necessary to participate in the financial system and better manage their credit. Experian Go’s award follows last year’s recognition of Experian Boost®, a first-of-its-kind feature designed to help consumers improve their credit profile and thrive financially, in Fast Company’s 2022 World Changing Ideas Awards. Millions of people have connected to Experian Boost to improve their FICO® Score by reporting their on-time utility, telecom/phone, rent and video streaming service payments. By giving consumers control over their credit, they can make real, substantial progress in their financial health journey by getting “credit” for paying bills on time. The innovative solution tackles inequity and exclusion from the credit economy, enabling consumers to add positive payment history directly into their Experian credit file and potentially boost their FICO® Score instantly. At Experian, we believe that technology has the power to do many things, and changing the world is one of them. Experian Go is part of our mission to help provide financial inclusion for all, and we look forward to creating more innovative products that focus on helping people.
Our people play a vital role in innovating new ways to better serve our customers, developing new technologies that advance inclusion and financial growth for consumers while helping other team members along the way. Our purpose-driven culture is clearly changing the game. Recognized by Fortune as one of America’s Most Innovative Companies, we’re pioneering innovations to help consumers navigate the complicated road to financial freedom. First, there’s Experian Boost™, our innovative product that allows people to improve credit scores by adding payment records to their profiles of previously untracked expenses such as utilities, mobile phone payments and streaming services. And now we’ve created a way to get rent payment histories into credit reports as well. We also changed the game with our new Experian Go™ product that enables those with no credit history to create a credit report. This program opens the front door to the financial ecosystem for millions of consumers by helping them establish their financial identity and move from credit invisible to scoreable. These products are just a few examples of how our company culture embraces change and enables us to innovate. We focus on problems that need to be solved and put the energy and resources behind developing solutions that solve them. And the industry recognition continues, which represents a validation of the culture of innovation we’ve built, with feedback coming from our employees, customers, and other industry experts. Other wins include: The 2023 BIG Innovation Awards that recognized the company for delivering innovative products, such as Experian Go™, that help consumers thrive financially Experian Boost™ was selected for Fast Company’s 2022 World Changing Ideas Awards. We were named a Great Place to Work’s Best Workplaces for Parents in 2022 and Top 30 Employer for Working Families in 2022. These are merely steps in our journey. Stay tuned for what’s next.
Experian’s culture of innovation continues to be a remarkable differentiator for our people, products and solutions. Our innovation is driven by the confluence of data with creative, critical thinking that enables each worker and the company as a whole to tackle complex problems. Our capability to collect, analyze and employ data lies at the very heart of our business at Experian. We go to extraordinary lengths to ensure that our sources, models, and processes are unimpeachable. Given Experian’s decades-long background in curating massive amounts of data, knowing the proper questions to ask regarding how to collect, analyze, and manage data is vital. Answering those questions lies at the heart of an article that recently appeared in the HBR (Harvard Business Review) Guide to Critical Thinking book to help business leaders navigate their most challenging issues. The article highlights Experian Boost and our work in the cloud as key innovations that help our customers, and poses four critical questions that businesses must ask themselves about their use of data to ensure positive outcomes: 1. How was the data sourced?The quality and care with which data is collected varies widely. Poor-quality data, or data used in the wrong context, can actually be worse than no data at all. Managers shouldn’t just assume their data is accurate and of good quality. Auditing data transactions is becoming as common as auditing financial transactions. 2. How was the data analyzed?Even when data is accurate and well maintained, the quality of analytic models can vary widely. Errors and lapses are relatively common and can lead to serious consequences. At Experian, we constantly scrutinize our models to ensure they achieve their specific objectives and their output reflects the real world. 3. What doesn’t the data tell us?Data models are a lot like humans: they tend to base judgments on the most readily available information — sometimes, the data you don’t have can affect decision making as much as the data you possess. And human designers often pass it on to automated systems. In the article, Experian Boost is cited as an example of adding key data to a credit history to help “thin-file” consumers raise their scores to help qualify them to buy a car, rent an apartment, or get a credit card. 4. How can we gain full advantage from the data? For example, by using it to redesign products, services or business models.Companies have learned how data can help run business more efficiently by automating processes, predicting when machines need maintenance, and improving customer service. Real opportunities come when data enables a company to completely re-imagine its business. We’ve leveraged the cloud to shift from only delivering processed data in credit reports to a service that gives our customers near real-time access to far more granular data. That may seem like a subtle transition, but it’s become one of the fastest-growing parts of Experian’s business. Check out the full article, “Data-Driven Decisions Start with These 4 Questions,” written by Eric Haller, Executive Vice President and General Manager, Identity, Fraud & DataLabs at Experian, and Greg Satell, an international keynote speaker, adviser and bestselling author.
In a country with more than 68 million people in default, equivalent to a third of the total population, Serasa is holding the biggest debt negotiation event in the history of Brazil. Considered an important part of the credit calendar in the country, especially for defaulters who in Brazil form a universe equivalent to the total population of the United Kingdom or France, the Feirão Serasa Limpa Nome (Clean Name Fair in English) is consolidated as one of the main events in Brazil. What is Feirão Limpa Nome? Feirão Limpa Nome is an event held annually by Serasa and is part of the actions of the largest online debt marketplace in Brazil, Serasa Limpa Nome. The marketplace is a free service that connects more than 200 companies in Brazil with more than 70 million consumers who seek to negotiate their debts in a simple and fast way, without having to leave home and with special conditions (up to 90%), such as discounts and installments. Last year, Serasa Limpa Nome brokered more than 32 million deals, an average of 88,000 per day, 61 per minute. In November, Serasa Limpa Nome promoted the Debt Fair, an online event with discounts of up to 99%. It’s like a “Black Friday” for debts. It also had, for 5 days, a physical event with tents in the main Brazilian cities to help non digitalized people pay their debts. As Experian's Chief Financial Officer Lloyd Pitchford put it: "Limpa Nome is there to help people resolve historic debts, and it’s so humbling to see when we hold our credit fairs, the hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people come out to meet with Experian to try and resolve those debts in a way that’s supportable for them but also meets the needs of their creditors." The records and innovations of the 2022 edition With negotiations through Serasa's digital channels taking place in November December , the 28th edition of the event has provided approximately 5.5 million so far. The goal is to achieve 7 million deals by the end of the event, thus closing the largest of all editions ever held. The goal is to surpass the 2021 Fair, which granted more than BRL 10 billion in discounts, enabled 5.8 million deals and benefited 4 million people. The numbers of the Feirão 2022 will be record-setting. We had a record number of participating companies – 267 – including banks, securitization companies (companies that buy debts), finance companies, retail, telecommunications companies, universities, and others. The number of partner companies are growing even more throughout the event. For the first time, Serasa made it possible to renegotiate basic debts, such as energy and solid waste tax. This year it was still a small offer, but already symbolic for what this debt segment represents in Brazil (27% of the total). The volume of offers available is estimated at more than 250 million, with average discounts of 70%. For the first time, Feirão Limpa Nome allowed payment with Pix, currently the main means of instant electronic payment in the country. Payments with Pix allowed, also for the first time, Serasa to offer the possibility of instantly writing off the negative debt - that is, the indebted person could have their name immediately removed from the credit bureaus, not having to wait longer for up to five business days, as provided by Brazilian legislation. For the first time, we made available the “Extrato Serasa” (Serasa Statement), a document in which consumers can prove that they no longer have debts in the company's register. Volunteers and emotion Feirão Limpa Nome is only possible because Experian had an impressive mobilization of its employees and contractors. In addition to these, there was an army of more than 400 volunteers from all over Experian Brazil, who enlisted for the purpose of contributing to a better country. The numbers were impressive and the final economic results were significant, but the most important are the stories of simple people that mark the days of physical fair. There were thousands of cases where users cried after the negotiation was done. They cried with relief at the end of a sacrifice and the resumption of a healthier economic life. Consumers who benefit from this This was the case, in the last fair, of Vagner da Silva, who managed to resolve a pending issue that had plagued him for 21 years, when his two children were born and he had to resort to overdraft and a bank loan. He left the Feirão Serasa Limpa Nome, in São Paulo, with a sense of relief. “For half my life my family and I suffered from this drama, a real knife to the head,” said Vagner, now 42. “Finally, we are free of this burden, we have a clean name”. On the same occasion, the seamstress Terezinha de Jesus cried after getting a 90% discount and paying off a debt made by her ex-husband, in her document, when buying wheels for her car in the early 2000s. “My family likes the right things and I want, when God calls me, to be free, with my suitcase packed”, she told the main Brazilian News Portal, Grupo Globo's G1, in a report that touched thousands of readers. What’s next We continue our journey to help consuemrs all over the world, and here in Brazil. Feirão Limpa Nome is just one of many programs Experian manages in the countries where it operates. For more information on ways we are working to help consumers, please visit our United for Financial Health page here.
We’re thrilled to announce that Experian North America has been recognized as a Top Workplace by the Orange County Register for the 10th consecutive year, with an additional “Excellence Award” for our work / life flexibility. This honor is a testament to our innovative employee culture, and keeping connected, engaged and energized as a hybrid workforce. This Orange County Register award recognition is based on the results of confidential employee surveys that assess the performance of hundreds of successful companies throughout our community. We recognize that our employees are the driving force behind our decade-long achievement as a Top Workplace. Our talented team is dedicated to both their own growth and pushing us forward, and we’re grateful for all they do to make Experian such a great place to work. Employee collaboration from our hackathons and company-wide product overviews have sparked remarkable innovations, such as Experian Go and Experian Boost. These products are especially helpful to members of diverse backgrounds and low-income households. Our Mental Health First-Aiders program is another example of employees coming together to support each other. Our commitment to creating a supportive, purpose-driven culture is reflected in multiple awards from authoritative sources such as Great Places to Work. Not only was Experian listed among the "Best Workplaces for Parents," we’re also honored to be included on their list of "Best Workplaces for Millennials." Additionally, we’re passionate about giving back to the communities in which we work and live. We take pride in our company’s numerous contributions to organizations focused on the well-being of people from a diverse array of backgrounds. From creating the Experian Volunteer Leadership Network to our financial support of community organizations such as Ascend, National Urban league, HomeFree-USA and the Pathways Forward Initiative, we’re dedicated to helping people in need. We believe all these factors have led to our success as a company and a desirable place for people to build thriving careers. We’re honored that leading organizations like the Orange County Register and Great Places to Work recognize our efforts to make the world a better place. We want to make sure that we continue to innovate; that our products and services are first-best-and-only in their respective industries; and that we take very good care of our constituents.
Bloor Research recently named Experian a Champion in the latest Data Quality Market Update 2022. Bloor’s Market Update specifically provides individuals with a technology update and ranking of vendors based on their products and progress in the market. Experian was the only vendor placed in the Champion category. Data quality is the foundation for any data-driven organization. However, many organizations still struggle to achieve the needed quality data necessary to feed critical initiatives. In our most recent research report, we discovered that 85% of businesses believe poor quality contact data for customers negatively impacts their operational processes and efficiency. To solve these challenges, data quality solutions continue to evolve. Leveraging trustworthy data equips organizations with the power to make their data actionable and fit for a purpose. Our research also showed: 89% say that implementing data quality best practices has improved their business agility 87% believe that data quality is fundamental to the core of business operations 91% say investing in data quality has positively impacted business growth In effect, this empowers business leaders to make better and faster decisions when outlining key operational strategies and initiatives. Since three quarters of businesses who have improved their data quality in the last year say they have exceeded their goals in some manner, we find that organizations that emphasize data maturity are more likely to experience success. Experian has a long history in the data quality space, starting with our address validation solutions. However, as data usage has evolved, so have our solutions. We incorporate cutting edge technology paired with an easy-to-use interface that allows individuals at all levels of the business to better understand the quality of their data and improve this important asset. A high degree of automation and precision will be required as businesses tackle today’s challenges related to data quality. At Experian, the overarching goal is to help clients maximize their potential with the power and confidence supplied by superior quality data—the cornerstone of success in today’s digital-forward realm of business operations. Explore our data quality solutions today to find out for yourself what makes us data quality experts. Click here to start your free trial.