In the early 1960s, Simon Ramo had a vision of a cashless society made possible by information and technology. This vision led to the creation of our business in North America. Ramo believed information could change the way people lived. Today, we know this to be true and continually see the ways data and technology can create enormous good in the lives of millions of consumers. While much has changed since the 1960s, Ramo’s vision holds true and continues to fuel the way we work at Experian. These principles have put consumers at the center of our business, which has forced us to think outside the box and do things differently. Let me give you an example. Until 2019, consumers had never been able to contribute information directly to their credit report. When we launched Experian Boost, we fundamentally changed the game. We put consumers in the driver’s seat and empowered them to contribute their on-time bill payments directly to their Experian credit report. By doing so, we’ve helped millions of consumers instantly improve their FICO® Score. This was a game changing move that is making a tangible difference for consumers. In fact, Experian Boost users have accessed more than $1.7 billion in credit due to improved credit scores. While we are proud of what we continue to accomplish with Experian Boost, we know financial inclusion depends on all of us doing more. On all of us doing things differently. We recently released new research in partnership with Oliver Wyman which shows 106 million Americans, or 42% of the adult population, lack access to mainstream credit because they are credit invisible, unscoreable or have a subprime credit score. Communities of color are more likely to lack access to mainstream credit, with 28% of Black and 26% of Hispanic consumers unscoreable or invisible, which is perpetuating historic disadvantage. While we have made a lot of progress in recent years by incorporating new data in decisions, as an industry, we can and must do better to ensure all consumers have access to fair and affordable credit. The old way of doing things, the old tools, will not work to ensure more consumers can access the financial services they need when they need them. The score models historically used by lenders are leaving nearly 50 million Americans behind. We need better data and better technology to help more consumers. When advanced analytics and machine learning are combined with expanded data sets as they are with Experian’s Lift Premium™ score, 96% of the population can be scored, including an estimated 65% credit invisibles and the entire conventionally unscoreable population. This is significantly greater than the 81% of consumers that can be scored by conventional scores today. Scoring 100% of Americans and expanding fair access to credit to creditworthy consumers is our goal. This is an exciting time as we are nearing a point where we can say, no matter who you are, where you live or what part of your financial journey you’re on, we can score you and help you access the financial services you need. We can’t do it on our own. Financial inclusion depends on industry adoption of these new tools and insights. As we begin a new year, I believe the financial services industry is at an inflection point. And I am hopeful. I think we can all agree it’s time for a new way of doing things and today we have the tools available to make it happen.
Retailers are already starting to display their Christmas decorations in stores and it’s only early November. Some might think they are putting the cart ahead of the horse, but as I see this happening, I’m reminded of the quote by the New York Yankee’s Yogi Berra who famously said, “It gets late early out there.” It may never be too early to get ready for the next big thing, especially when what’s coming might set the course for years to come. As 2019 comes to an end and we prepare for the excitement and challenges of a new decade, the same can be true for all of us working in the lending and credit space, especially when it comes to how we will approach the use of alternative data in the next decade. Over the last year, alternative data has been a hot topic of discussion. In fact if you typed “alternative data and credit” into a Google search today you would get more than 200 million results. That’s a lot of conversations, but while nearly everyone seems to be talking about alternative data, we may not have a clear view of how alternative data will be used in the credit economy. How we approach the use of alternative data in the coming decade is going to be one of the most important decisions the lending industry makes. Inaction is not an option, and the time for testing new approaches is starting to run out – like Yogi said, it’s getting late early. And here’s why: millennials. We already know that millennials tend to make up a significant percentage of consumers with so-called “thin-file” credit reports. They “grew up” during the Great Recession and that has had a profound impact on their financial behavior. Unlike their parents, they tend to have only one or two credit cards, they keep a majority of their savings in cash and, in general, they distrust financial institutions. However, they currently account for more than 21 percent of discretionary spend in the U.S. economy, and that percentage is going to expand exponentially in the coming decade. The recession fundamentally changed how lending happens, resulting in more regulation and a snowball effect of other economic challenges. As a result, millennials must work harder to catch up financially and are putting off major life milestones that past generations have historically done earlier in life, such as home ownership. They more often choose to rent and, while they pay their bills, rent and other factors such as utility and phone bill payments are traditionally not calculated in credit scores, ultimately leaving this generation thin-filed or worse, credit invisible. This is not a sustainable scenario as we enter the next decade. One of the biggest market dynamics we can expect to see over the next decade is consumer control. Consumers, especially millennials, want to be in the driver’s seat of their “credit journey” and play an active role in improving their financial situations. We are seeing a greater openness to providing data, which in turn enables lenders to make more informed decisions. This change is disrupting the status quo and bringing new, innovative solutions to the table. At Experian we have been testing how advanced analytics and machine learning can help accelerate the use of alternative data in credit and lending decisions. And we continue to work to make the process of analyzing this data as simple as possible, making it available to all lenders in all verticals. To help credit invisible and thin-file consumers gain access to fair and affordable credit, we’ve also recently announced Experian Lift, a new suite of credit score products that combines exclusive traditional credit, alternative credit and trended data assets to create a more holistic picture of consumer creditworthiness that will be available to lenders in early 2020. This new Experian credit score may improve access to credit for more than 40 million credit invisibles. There are more than 100 million consumers who are restricted by the traditional scoring methods used today. Experian Lift is another step in our commitment to helping improve financial health of consumers everywhere and empowers lenders to identify consumers who may otherwise be excluded from the traditional credit ecosystem. This isn’t just a trend in the United States. Brazil is using positive data to help drive financial inclusion, as are other around the world. Like I said, it’s getting late early. Things are moving fast. Already we are seeing technology companies playing a bigger role in the push for alternative data – often powered by fintech startups. At the same time there also has been a strong uptick in tech companies entering the banking space. Have you signed up for your Apple credit card yet? It will take all of 15 seconds to apply, and that’s expected to continue over the next decade. All of this is changing how the lending and credit industry must approach decision making, while also creating real-time frictionless experiences that empower the consumer. We saw this with the launch of Experian Boost earlier this year. The results speak for themselves: hundreds of thousands of previously thin-filed consumers have seen their credit scores instantly increase. We have also empowered millions of consumers to get more control of their credit by using Experian Boost to contribute new, positive phone, cable and utility payment histories. Through Experian Boost, we’re empowering consumers to play an active role in building their credit histories. And, with Experian Lift, we’re empowering lenders to identify consumers who may otherwise be excluded from the traditional credit ecosystem. That’s game changing. Disruptions like Experian Boost and newly announced Experian Lift are going to define the coming decade in credit and lending. Our industry needs to be ready because while it may seem early, it’s actually getting late.