Jeremy Hancock is Director of Government Affairs where he analyzes legislative and regulatory proposals and works with policy makers on issues impacting the information services industry. Jeremy previously worked as an aide in the United State Senate. He holds a bachelor’s degree from Florida Southern College and an MBA from The George Washington University.

-- Jeremy Hancock

All posts by Jeremy Hancock


The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has been busy hiring staff and building a regulatory agency from the ground up since July 21, 2011, when it assumed full rulemaking, enforcement and supervisory authority over 18 of the nation’s consumer protection laws that guide financial products and services, including the Fair Credit Reporting Act, the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, The Truth in Lending Act and the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.

Published: April 12, 2012 by Jeremy Hancock

Consumer information is at the center of our economy. It connects us to the right products and services, helps companies innovate and expand, and allows consumers to make smarter choices throughout their lives. While the use of consumer information is becoming more important to businesses and consumers, there is a growing concern among policy makers that the laws governing consumer privacy are not keeping up.

Published: April 4, 2012 by Jeremy Hancock

Many consumers simply do not understand what a credit report, credit score or id theft is until they have either been denied a loan or fallen victim to fraud. As part of Experian’s Live Credit Smart program, the company offers consumers information on the specific areas that they need to live credit smart.

Published: April 3, 2012 by Jeremy Hancock

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