Humility, Grit & Leading Data Science Teams w/ Brandon Quach at Teradata (Episode 110) #DataTalk

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Every week, we talk about important data and analytics topics with data science leaders from around the world on Facebook Live.  You can subscribe to the DataTalk podcast on iTunes,  Google PlayStitcherSoundCloudand Spotify.

DataTalk features data science leaders at MIT, Caltech, United Nations, GartnerTwitter, Salesforce, Amazon, UBER, IBM, LinkedIn, Spotify, Dow Jones and dozens of other startups and top data companies.

In this week’s #DataTalk, we chat with Brandon Quach about his academic background, career choices and work leading data science teams. He also shares:

  • Why he pursued bioengineering in college (and how professors encouraged him)
  • Why he only applied to one PhD program — and made Caltech his goal
  • The importance of taking long shots in life
  • How he thrives in high pressure situations
  • Ways he deals with imposter syndrome
  • Why he’s always working to improve his leadership skills
  • What he looks for when hiring data scientists on his team
  • Ways to standout on a resume — and in data science interviews

About Brandon Quach

Brandon Quach is the Principal Data Scientist at Teradata and Chairman of the Data Science Roundtable for Tech San Diego.

He manages data scientists, codes and owns machine learning algorithms, from conception to production.

At Teradata, he leads the charge to modernize the customer experience by applying machine learning to customer support. He formely led data science efforts at Lytx and Opera Solutions.

He holds a PhD in Bioengineering from Caltech, an M.Eng from UCSD, and a B.S in Bioengineering from UC Berkeley.

Follow him on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Check out our complete list of all data science live video chats. DataTalk is hosted by Mike Delgado, Director of Social Media at Experian. Please reach out if you have suggestions for topics or guests.

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