Digital Transformation: Helping Your Business & Employees Thrive in Our Digital Age w/ @MichaelGale (Episode 108) #DataTalk

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Every week, we talk about important data and analytics topics with data science leaders from around the world on Facebook Live.  You can subscribe to the DataTalk podcast on iTunes,  Google PlayStitcherSoundCloudand Spotify.

DataTalk features data science leaders at MIT, Caltech, United Nations, GartnerTwitter, Salesforce, Amazon, UBER, IBM, LinkedIn, Spotify, Dow Jones and dozens of other startups and top data companies.

In this week’s #DataTalk, we chat with Michael Gale about ways businesses need to change in order to thrive in our digital age.

About Michael Gale

Michael Gale founded Strategic Oxygen in 2001, which was widely seen as one of the technology industry’s primary data toolset for marketers, used by over 20 brands and used to model over $4 billion in marketing and sales investments.

The company was sold to Monitor Group, where he was a group partner from 2006 to 2010. In 2011, he became a partner at Pulsepoint Group, a digital consulting company, which was acquired by ICF in 2015.

Michael has also served as chief web officer and GM at Micron Technology and was the vice president of Worldwide brand research at IntelliQuest. He is the author of “The Digital Helix” and host of the Forbes Insights Futures in Focus podcast.

Follow him on LinkedIn and on Twitter

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DataTalk is hosted by Mike Delgado, Director of Social Media at Experian. Please reach out if you have suggestions for topics or guests.

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