Impact of COVID-19 on Data Science & Innovation w/ Eric Haller (Episode 119) #DataTalk

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Every week, we talk about important data and analytics topics with data science leaders from around the world on Facebook Live.  You can subscribe to the DataTalk podcast on a iTunes,  Google PlayStitcherSoundCloudand Spotify.

DataTalk features data science leaders at MIT, Caltech, United Nations, Gartner, Twitter, Salesforce, Amazon, UBER, IBM, LinkedIn, Spotify, Dow Jones and dozens of other startups and top data companies.

In this week’s #DataTalk, we chat with Eric Haller, Global Head of Experian DataLabs, about innovation during covid-19 pandemic. We also discuss:

Eric Haller

Eric Haller is Executive Vice President and Global Head of Experian DataLabs, which develops innovative products generated from breakthrough experimentation that leverages artificial intelligence and data assets.

Experian DataLabs helps businesses solve strategic marketing and risk-management problems through an advanced data analysis process and research and development. Focused on innovating new data sources with an emphasis on financial services, telecommunications and healthcare, DataLabs helps deliver:

  • Increased profitability
  • Optimization of data assets
  • Controlled financial risk
  • Regulatory compliance

Experian DataLabs is staffed with a multidisciplinary group of data scientists with Ph.D.s and applied research practitioners with expertise in advanced analytics and machine learning, as well as other advanced statistical methods. Experts in applying cutting-edge data science to real-world business situations, DataLabs utilizes Experian’s vast data assets and is supported by Experian’s global network and resources. Employing deep domain expertise and industry knowledge reduces client exposure during the development process.

DataLabs operates in a compliant, safe and secure environment for both internal and collaborative research to take place. Nearly a petabyte of data storage is provisioned by Experian in the United States to support research and development activities. The environment allows for multiple Big Data projects to occur simultaneously.

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DataTalk is hosted by Mike Delgado, Director of Social Media at Experian. Please reach out if you have suggestions for topics or guests.

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