Leadership Skills of Effective Program Managers on Data Science Teams w/ Ted Way at Microsoft (Episode 110) #DataTalk

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Every week, we talk about important data and analytics topics with data science leaders from around the world on Facebook Live.  You can subscribe to the DataTalk podcast on iTunes,  Google PlayStitcherSoundCloudand Spotify.

DataTalk features data science leaders at MIT, Caltech, United Nations, GartnerTwitter, Salesforce, Amazon, UBER, IBM, LinkedIn, Spotify, Dow Jones and dozens of other startups and top data companies.

In this week’s #DataTalk, we chat with Ted Way about his work on machine learning projects and ways he successfully manages his teams at Microsoft.

Topics of this chat include:

About Ted Way

Ted Way is a senior program manager on the AI and Advanced Architectures team at Microsoft, with the mission to accelerate AI and other workloads in the cloud and edge. The team’s innovations have made Azure one of the fastest public clouds with accelerated networking and have dramatically reduced search latencies for Bing. This technology is also now available to users of Azure’s AI Platform.

He holds B.S. degrees in electrical engineering and computer engineering, MS degrees in electrical engineering (signal processing) and biomedical engineering, and a PhD in biomedical engineering, all from the University of Michigan – Ann Arbor. His dissertation research was on “spell check for radiologists,” a computer-aided diagnosis system to classify lung nodules on thoracic CT scans.

Also check out our last podcast episode with Ted:

Follow him on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Check out our complete list of all data science live video chats. DataTalk is hosted by Mike Delgado, Director of Social Media at Experian. Please reach out if you have suggestions for topics or guests.

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