Experian Celebrates Diwali “The Festival of Lights”

Diwali is India’s biggest festival and the largest celebration among Indians all over the world.

Diwali means rows of lighted lamps, and this festival of lights is a celebration of new beginnings, a new year and a time when people come together to celebrate good conquering evil. During this festival, people light up their homes and workplaces with lamps and ask for welfare, prosperity, wealth and wisdom.

Diwali celebrations include bright lights, gift exchanges, fireworks displays, decorated homes, family gatherings, colorful artwork on floors indoors and on streets, and, of course, feasting on food and sweets.

On November 7, employees in the Costa Mesa, California office celebrated Diwali. The celebration included traditional dancing, a sea of traditional dress, and great food. Special thanks to the organizers: Reshma Peck, Ravi Devesetti, Alpa Jain, Sam Chari, and everyone who helped put together this very special event.

Check out highlights from our celebration:

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