Her Money: Top Financial Tips for Women VIDEO
Join our #CreditChat on Periscope , YouTube Live, Twitter , and Snapchat every Wednesday at 3 p.m ET. This week, we talked about top financial tips for women.
This panel will include: Marsha Horton Barnes: Personal Finance Innovator and creator of The Finance Bar ; Melanie Lockert: Author, Founder of Dear Debt and the co-founder of The Lola Retreat ; Shannon McNay: Personal Finance Freelance Writer; Rod Griffin : Director of Public Education at Experian; and Christina Roman: Social Media Specialist at Experian.
We also featured financial tips all week on Snapchat .
Moments from our tweet chat .
Questions We Discussed:
Q1: Tomorrow is International Women’s Day, and the theme is #PressforProgress. How can women press for progress with their finances?
Q2: What unique financial challenges do women face?
Q3: How can young women take a proactive approach to planning for their financial future?
Q4: How can women #PressforChange when it comes to their pay in the workforce?
Q5: How can women ensure they are being smart with their credit?
Q6: What advice do you have for women who are struggling with debt?
Q7: How can women remain financially independent in a relationship?
Q8: How does a woman’s role as caregiver impact her financially?
Q9: What important #moneymoves should women make for their retirement?
Q10: Where can women go to empower themselves with financial literacy?
If you’ve never heard about #CreditChat, here is a brief overview:
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