Valentine’s Day on a Budget VIDEO
Join our #CreditChat on Periscope , YouTube Live, Twitter , and Snapchat every Wednesday at 3 p.m ET. This week, we helped you map your Valentine’s Day while on a budget.
Moments from our Twitter chat .
We also featured financial tips all week on Snapchat .
Questions We Discussed:
Q1: Do you have a memorable Valentine’s Day experience to share?
Q2: What are some simple ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day without spending money?
Q3: How can you save money when dining out on Valentine’s Day?
Q4: How can you save money on classic gifts like cards, flowers and chocolates?
Q5: What are some thoughtful DIY gifts that can save you money?
Q6: What are some unconventional Valentine’s Day ideas?
Q7: What a some simple Valentine’s Day treats parents can give their kids?
Q8: How can parents save on cards and candy for their kids’ school Valentine’s Day activities?
Q9: What are some resources for finding the best deals and activities for Valentine’s Day?
Q10: How can you plan ahead to ensure that you are prepared for Valentine’s Day next year?
Q11: Any final tips to help people stay on budget for Valentine’s Day?
If you’ve never heard about #CreditChat, here is a brief overview:
Relevant chats on YouTube: