A Perfect Storm for Business Credit Risk

With a record number of young small businesses starting during the pandemic, trade creditors are now dealing with a tempest of economic factors raising risk levels to create a perfect storm. Inflation and the Fed's action to raise interest rates to try and bring it under control means money costs more to lend. With the cost capital rising, small businesses are turning to trade credit and a variety of credit to drive revenue, and some don't always have good intentions. Synthetic fraud is growing, and first-party fraud is increasing, putting credit teams on edge.

We have assembled an expert panel to discuss "The Perfect Storm of Business Credit Risk" to offer helpful advice for navigating uncharted waters with your accounts, and staying afloat during economically uncertain times.

  • New business formation, how to assess younger businesses
  • Economic pressures on B2B's you are not yet reading about
  • Statistics on the gathering fraud storm
  • 3 tips for smooth sailing in your credit operations


Li Mao

Li Mao

Senior Product Manager

Emily Garrett

Emily Garrett

Sr. Analytical Consultant Manager

Brian Stack, V.P. Engineering Services

Brian Stack

V.P. Engineering Services

Expert Panel Webinar

Originally Presented

Tuesday, November 29th 2022
Time: 10 a.m. (Pacific) | 1:00 p.m. (Eastern)

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