Identify call center risk and handle it appropriately.

What is call center fraud?

Call center fraud occurs when a fraudster calls into a contact center and presents themselves as a customer. Using pieces of customer information obtained through other methods, such as breached data and information obtained from the customer’s public social media profiles, the fraudster is able to convince the call center agent that they are the customer. Unwittingly, the agent provides coaching and assistance to navigate the authentication process believing that they are helping the true customer. Through one or more call center interactions, fraudsters obtain enough information to successfully change passwords and other credentials that enable them to access customer accounts and to direct future verification attempts toward themselves instead of the accountholder. Unfortunately, due to the human nature of call centers and amount of breached personal information, call center fraud is a large problem that organizations are seeking to stop it.


Over the past 4 years the rate of mobile phone account takeover has doubled.


The number of mobile account takeover fraud victims in 2018.


Percent of mobile phone ATO in 2018, compared to 10% in 2017.

*2019 Javelin Identity Fraud Study

Preventing call center fraud in your business 


Use a multi-layered fraud approach through a mix of covert and step up authentication solutions to detect call center fraud quickly, and without disrupting your customer experience.

Identify the risk

  • Identity-based risk detection helps find patterns of an identity’s use across a wide spectrum of consumer activity to identify when a specific identity may be in hands of fraudsters that are actively working to exploit it. Monitoring the characteristics of digital-identity proxies such as mobile phone numbers and email contact information isolates cases where fraudsters change customer contact information to shield the victim from follow-up verification attempts.
  • Device intelligence solutions: Covert, tag-less, and cookieless device intelligence to identify the risk associated with a device used to attempt on line access. By recognizing device usage patterns, the low risk activity from a customer’s familiar device is permitted access. Activity and characteristics of unfamiliar devices including contextual, behavioral, and device data detect bot activity and malware, that may indicate compromised credentials.

Address the risk

  • Knowledge-based authentication (KBA): Authenticate customers quickly with specific questions that only they can answer, throwing off fraudsters. Integrate into your automated call management service or interactive voice response platform to remove dependency on call center agencies and decrease operational costs.
  • One-time passwords (OTP): Multifactor authentication services generate and deliver a one-time password to the consumer’s verified mobile phone to authenticate them in real time, while speaking to a call center representative. Mobile phones are susceptible to malware attacks and spoofing, which is why OTP should be used as a bundle of services to perform step-up authentication and serve and overall risk authentication strategy.
  • Document verification: The ability to collect and verify images of identity documents uploaded from a customer’s mobile device along with the ability to analyze a customer “selfie” and ensure it represents the document identity.

Protecting the Customer Experience.

As consumers move from face-to-face interaction to online and mobile transactions, there is a pressing need for more elaborate and accurate fraud prevention without fricition. Download the whitepaper to learn more.


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