Automated patient intake that lets you finally, focus on patients, not clipboards.

Make registration easy for your team—and your patients.  An automated link is sent via text to your patients to begin the process when it is convenient for them. Patients access the link to answer questions, sign forms and upload their identification and insurance cards. The data from the cards —not just the screen shots—are automatically uploaded into Experian’s eCare NEXT® platform. Done.

We know the last thing you want is to create more calls for your staff, so there is no app and no log in.

man at home holding phone to register online

45% of patients completed the registration process via mobile devices after clicking the registration link.

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Save time: Faster data verification

Registration Accelerator continues where other hospital intake software solutions end.

  • Patient intake data is verified against the data already in your system. 
  • Only data miss-matches e.g., new last name or new insurance, are flagged for your staff to oversee. 
  • The verified data is automatically uploaded into Experian’s eCare NEXT® platform and seamlessly flows into Experian’s Eligibility Verification and Registration Quality Assurance products. 
doctor chatting with patient at desk

Why Registration Accelerator is different

Faster training

Avoid the burden of training on multiple software products. The eCare NEXT®  platform allows you to manage patient intake and other Experian products at once. 

Seamless flow of patient data

Provide the most accurate data upfront and downstream. Patient intake data flows directly into other Experian Health products, including Eligibility Verification.

Save time correcting errors

Get notified when there is a patient data mismatch to resolve. Focus your time when and where it is needed most.

Patient registration resources

Woman registering for appointment on her cell phone

Q&A: How mobile pre-registration simplifies the process for patients and providers

Providers are streamlining patient registration with digital solutions, enhancing efficiency, and accuracy while improving the healthcare experience for both patients and staff.

Two individuals looking at a computer screen

Patient registration software to improve patient intake

Time is not on the side of patient intake personnel. Getting bogged down with complex manual data collection isn’t ideal when a worried family member or a sick patient is in the registration seat.

Couple looking at a computer screen in living room

How West Tennessee Healthcare used Registration Accelerator to modernize patient intake

With staffing shortages and revenue pressures contributing to the push for change, WTH turned to Registration Accelerator to modernize patient intake and replace clipboards with clicks.