Consumers manage much of their lives online—let them manage their healthcare accounts online, too

Patients of all generations want to manage their healthcare finances on their own time, using the medium most convenient for them. Just as other industries provide easy, online tools for consumers to bank, purchase goods or book travel, more and more healthcare organizations are putting patients in the driver’s seat. Organizations that don’t risk losing patients to other providers.
Your patients are managing their finances, travel and education via the web. Now you can put the tools your patients need to manage their healthcare accounts at their fingertips as well. With PatientSimple, Experian Health’s secure online portal, you give them the 24-7 control they’re looking for.
PatientSimple connects your patients with a consumer friendly, mobile-compatible, self-service portal to generate price estimates, apply for charity care, set up payment plans, update insurance information and combine payments to hospitals and physicians.
Yale New Haven Health client success story
How YNHH created pre-service excellence in an Epic environment to elevate the financial experience
Help patients help themselves
With online account management and bill pay, PatientSimple allows patients to securely process payments, manage and even combine their healthcare accounts, request and review payment estimates and schedule appointments—all from a single interface. Our patient engagement solutions let you please your patients—and keep them loyal.
Get paid faster
Convenient access to Experian Health’s self-service solution means your patients are more likely to meet self-pay responsibilities. Quick access to pricing information and the ability to apply for financial assistance or set up payment plans online speeds collections. PatientSimple also integrates with our Patient Statements solution, allowing you to streamline the payment process with easy-to-understand billing statements featuring customized messaging.
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