Access by personal information Your account information
      is secure.

Don’t have a report number? Access your report by providing the personal identification information below. This information will be used only to verify your identity for security purposes. To use our online dispute service, your Social Security number is required. To request a dispute without your Social Security number, please write to us or submit your dispute and any supporting documents at

Access by personal information Your account information
      is secure.

Access your report by providing the personal identification information below. This information will be used only to verify your identity for security purposes. To access your report, your Social Security number is required. To submit a dispute without your Social Security number, please write to us or submit your dispute and any supporting documents at

Add a security freeze Your account information is secure.

A security freeze is designed to prevent credit, loans and services from being approved in your name without your consent. In addition, adding a security freeze to your credit report may also delay or interfere with or prohibit the timely approval of any subsequent requests or application you make regarding new credit, loans or services. When you add a security freeze, you will be provided with a Personal Identification Number (PIN) which will be required in order to remove the freeze from your credit report, either temporarily or permanently.

Remove a security freeze Your account information is secure.

If you previously requested that a security freeze be placed on your personal credit report, and you would like to temporarily or permanently remove the freeze in order to apply for credit or for any transaction that requires that another party access your personal credit report, please provide the following information. This information allows us to ensure that we verify your personal information and your personal identification number (PIN) so that your security freeze is removed from your personal credit report only at your request.

Request your PIN Your account information is secure.

If you have a security freeze on your credit report and wish to obtain your forgotten or misplaced PIN, you may request it here. A PIN is needed to remove a freeze from your credit report and to provide a creditor access to your credit report.

Request a single-use personal identification number (PIN) Your account information is secure.

Request a single-use PIN to provide to a creditor to access your credit file. A single-use PIN may be used by only one creditor. A new single-use PIN must be requested for each additional creditor to access your credit report. Only one single-use PIN may be active at a time.

Secure access Your account information is secure.

We care about the security of your data. Please enter the last four digits of your Social Security number to validate your request. This information will be used only to verify your identity for security purposes.

Add a fraud alert using your personal information Your account
      information is secure.

Add a fraud alert message to your credit report if you suspect that your identification information has been or could be used fraudulently. A fraud alert notifies potential credit grantors to verify your identity before extending credit in your name in case someone is using your information without your consent. To use our online service, your Social Security number is required. To submit your fraud alert request without your Social Security number, please write to us or submit your request and any supporting documents at

Access by personal information Your account information
      is secure.

Access your report by providing the personal identification information below. This information will be used only to verify your identity for security purposes. To access your report, your Social Security number is required. To submit a dispute without your Social Security number, please write to us or submit your dispute and any supporting documents at