Government agencies tasked with benefit eligibility verification face several challenges, including sudden spikes in caseloads, redeterminations, and limited funding and resources. Fortunately, innovative solutions and techniques are enabling government agencies to rapidly authenticate individual identities and understand public-assistance applicants more thoroughly.

Our eligibility verification services incorporate third-party data and analytics into established processes and infrastructure, so agencies can immediately gain improved insight for efficient decision making.

Verification solutions

Streamline your eligibility determinations process so you can provide the right services to the right citizens.

Colleagues meeting in office

Integrated eligibility

Use an integrated system to determine qualification for benefits programs.

Three colleagues working together

Maintain social program integrity

Implement and manage solutions to verify eligibility and participation.

woman putting sticky notes on brick wall

Manage redeterminations

Review existing enrollment and ensure that the right citizens are receiving the right benefits.

Learn more about how to seamlessly verify eligibility for government programs and services



Verify income and employment without increasing friction

Experian Verify™ provides seamless income and employment verification services, enabling your agency to prepare for redeterminations as well as day-forward onboarding when citizens apply for benefits.

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Agencies we serve

We support numerous eligibility programs including Medicaid, TANF, SNAP, public housing, FEMA, pension benefits and more.

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Let us find the right solutions for you

For employer, employee or verifier transaction support

For federal, state and local agency inquiries about Experian Verify solutions