Back during World War I, the concept of “triage” was first introduced to the battlefield. Faced with massive casualties and limited medical resources, a...
How is your financial institution/organization working to improve your collections work stream? What are some of your keys for collections efficiency? What tools do...
What are your thoughts on the third extension to the Identity Theft Red Flags Rule deadline? Was your institution ready to meet Red Flag......
In addition to behavioral models, collections and account management groups need the ability to implement collections workflow strategies in order to effectively handle and...
Does the rule list the Red Flags? The Identity Theft Red Flags Rule provides several examples of Red Flagsin four separate categories: 1. alerts...
Optimization is a very broad and commonly used term today and the exact interpretation is typically driven by one's industry experience and exposure to...
Currently, financial institutions focus on the existing customer base and prioritize collections to recover more cash, and do it faster. There is also a...
The Federal Trade Commission announced on April 30, one day before the intended May 1 Red Flags Ruleenforcement deadline, a third extension of that...
By: Tom Hannagan As I’m preparing for traveling to the Baker Hill Solution Summit next week, I thought I would revisit the ideas of risk-based...
1. Portfolio Management – You should really focus on this topic in 2009. With many institutions already streamlining the origination process, portfolio management is...
The debate continues in the banking industry — Do we push the loan authority to the field or do we centralize it (particularly when...
I was recently asked in a comment, "What do we have to do to become compliant?" Great question. There is not a single path...
The way in which you communicate with your customers really does impact the effectiveness of your collections operation. At the heart of any collections...
2007 and 2008 saw a rapid change of consumer behaviors and it is no surprise to most collections professionals that the existing collections scoring...
Due to the recent economic events, increased collections workloads are straining client infrastructures and resources. Most clients in North America operate their delinquent accounts...