Consumer data reporting services
Support the consumer credit ecosystem by reporting your data to Experian
Data furnishers must send data electronically in Metro 2® format.* For more information on Metro 2® format, please visit www.cdiaonline.org.
All accounts, including current, delinquent and charged-off accounts, must be reported every month.
e-OSCAR is required for managing off-cycle updates and consumer disputes. For more information on e-OSCAR, please visit www.e-Oscar.org.
*Metro 2 is the registered trademark of CDIA.
Our data integrity services ensure reporting accuracy and minimize regulatory risk through quality reporting metrics, effective policies, and ongoing monitoring for consistent data quality assessment.
Manage your file submissions and interact with Experian data reporting all in one place. Learn more by exploring FAQs.
To start reporting consumer credit data to Experian, call 1-800-831-5614 and select option 3 to get started as a data furnisher or fill out the form below.
We are unable to address personal credit report and/or membership inquiries via this business form. Visit Experian.com/help or call 888-397-3742 for consumer assistance.
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