We'll help you optimize fraud and identity strategies — to benefit your business and your customers’ experience.

Experian’s fraud consultants have deep expertise and understanding of operational best practices, as well as fraud and identity strategies to deliver better, more insightful decisions, while extracting greater value from current and prospective customer relationships. The Global Consulting Practice works with clients to conduct both operational and analytic assessments of current strategy effectiveness that include benchmarking analysis, validation studies, and profile and strategy analysis to derive specific recommendations based on changes in business, economic or market conditions.

Through our risk-based approach to fraud mitigation and customer authentication, we help organizations proactively manage risk by providing comprehensive insight into an individual’s identity or a commercial entity. This insight enables our clients to identify new credible customers, protect existing customers and meet regulatory obligations.

Benefits our clients have realized with Fraud Consulting services include:

  • Improve volumes qualifying for fraud strategy or ID verification policy through score threshold analysis
  • Reduce false-positives to mitigate customer impacts within underwriting process
  • Increase bookings per month with improved accuracy for identifying low-risk applicants
  • Reduce operational costs by leveraging new segmentation criteria to streamline manual verification processes

Examples of recent Fraud Consulting services include:

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