Knowledge is the key to financial success

We all go through periods in our lives that can affect our credit. Many of them are exciting times -- getting credit for the first time or buying a house, for example. Other life events can be difficult, such as divorce. Having the knowledge you need to make good credit decisions can make the happy events even happier, and the challenging times in life a little less so. Experian has prepared a series of brochures that provide tips to help you through those times.

New credit

Understanding how credit works is crucial for making decisions that will help you build a strong credit history. This brochure describes some of the things you should think about before you open your first credit account or when you are trying to reestablish credit. It also defines some common credit terms to help you better speak the language of credit.

Homebuying and credit

One of the most exciting times in life is buying a new home. It is also one of the most critical financial decisions you will make. This brochure provides important information to help you get the credit you need to buy the home of your dreams.

Divorce and credit

Divorce can have very serious implications for your credit. Making good credit decisions can make this difficult time a bit less trying. This brochure provides information that can help you maintain your creditworthiness as you move into the next phase of your life.

Sample Experian credit report

Understanding the information in a credit report is the first step in making it a valuable financial tool. This sample report illustrates what an Experian consumer credit report looks like and describes the various types of information a person might find in their personal report.

Ask Experian

Ask Experian, the credit reporting industry's first consumer credit advice column, answers the most common questions about credit reports and credit scores.

Ask Experian

Corporate responsibility

It is Experian's responsibility as a company to be aware of our societal responsibilities and to have a positive impact on the communities in which we live and work. Experian's global corporate responsibility report provides detailed information about what we are doing to ensure we behave in a socially responsible manner.