Batch Help

In just three easy steps, up to 5000 credit inquiries can be processed.

Step 1:  Format and upload your file of consumers (maximum size is 5000 records).

Step 2:  Select one product with the option of one or more ancillary products per file.

Step 3:  Download your file; we will send you an email once your order is ready.


Uploading your own files


Download a sample .csv file

Uploading batch files requires a comma separated value (.CSV) file format; this is also known as ASCII text file.  When uploading a list, each consumer should be treated as a record, with one entry per line/row.  For example, when using Excel, each field will have its own column (see How many columns are required in my list?).

Your file must contain Thirteen columns (one column for each field even if there is no data for that field) and must be presented in a specific order.

The file that you supply needs to be in the following order so the system can correctly interpret your data.  Your list must contain THIRTEEN columns (one column for each field) and must be presented in the following order:

image of column id's

The required fields vary by product.  The following table lists the required fields for each product.

required fields

Field names/column headers are optional.  If your file contains headers you must check the "File contains headers" checkbox located below the "Select file for upload" input box.

This step must be completed prior to conversion to comma separated (.CSV) file format.  If your spreadsheet contains ZIP codes with leading zeros and it's converted to .CSV, the ZIP code values are reduced to four-digits.  This will cause the application to flag the ZIP code as an error and will not allow you to upload your list.

In Excel, simply right click on the column header and select 'Format Cells', select the 'Number' tab, then select 'Special' from the Category section and select 'ZIP Code' from the Type section.

format zip

This step must be completed prior to conversion to comma separated (.CSV) file format.  If your spreadsheet contains SSNs with leading zeros and it's converted to .CSV, the SSN values are reduced to seven-digits.  This will cause the application to flag the SSN as an error and will not allow you to upload your file.

In Excel, simply right click on the column header and select 'Format Cells', select the 'Number' tab, then select 'Special' from the Category section and select 'Social Security Number' from the Type section.

format ssn

Your file should contain a minimum of 1 record and a maximum of 5000 records.

a. Did your file start out as an Excel or Access file with exactly THIRTEEN columns (one column for each field)?

See How many columns are required in my list?

b. Are the columns of your file presented in the correct order?

See What order should my columns be in?

c. Have you formatted your ZIP code column correctly?

See How do I format zip codes if they contain leading zeros?

d. Does your file contain the required fields for the product?

See What are the required fields?

e. Does your list have at least 1 record?

See How many records should my list contain?

Please see "Help with Address Input".

The Excel file can be converted to the required format by selecting "File...Save as" and selecting "CSV (comma delimited)" from the Save as type dropdown menu.

Note:  Saving the file from Excel as a .CSV automatically places a ',' in the field if no information is present in the column.

save as CSV file

If you still have issues validating your list, please contact Experian Technical Support at 1-800-854-7201.

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