Public Sector

24 Public Sector assets found.

  • Case study: Custom Fraud Model - State Treasury
    Document Published Date: Jun 21, 2023

    Read how our custom ID theft model helped this client prevent $3 million in losses while increasing efficiency.

  • Learn how a powerful identity platform helped a state agency increase profitability and efficiency while validating identities.

  • Case study: Detecting income tax underreporting
    Document Published Date: May 25, 2021

    Underreported individual income tax is one of the largest, but most challenging problems facing tax and revenue agencies today. Using our advanced analytics and custom model development services, learn how one agency was able to detect over $33 million in tax revenue gap and prevent future underreporting of taxable income.

  • Services for Business Claims
    Video Uploaded Date: Nov 21, 2019

    In this webinar, we share insights about how states and municipalities can reduce the level of unclaimed property through effective location and outreach to commercial property owners. Experian's vast and robust data repository of U.S. commercial entities can be used to improve unclaimed property performance. We share how using this data can help you rapidly and accurately identify commercial organizations operating in your state that should be reporting to you but are not.

  • 2018 Public Sector trends and insights
    Document Published Date: Jul 11, 2019

    Download our infographic to learn more about the state of data management, data in the digital age, and what drives Public Sector data strategies.

    Click here to learn more about our data quality solutions.

  • Realizing the full potential of data
    Document Published Date: Jul 11, 2019

    Our 2019 global data management research uncovers key trends around global data practices and common challenges across industries.

    Download the infographic to view the trends.

    Click here to learn more about our data quality solutions.

  • Eligibility verification findings and survey overview
    Document Published Date: Jun 21, 2019

    GOVERNING Institute surveyed 150 State and Local government leaders and discuss the growing need for eligibility verification and the prevalence of fraud across government agencies.

    Download the study to learn more.

  • Webinar | Fighting identity fraud in a dark web world
    Webinar Published Date: Jan 9, 2019

    The pace of data breaches continues to rise.

    With the prevalence of personally identifiable information (PII) available from fraudsters, identity management methods have had to evolve. It has been noted that an individual’s identity is available on the dark web for roughly $1,200.

    Several key methods have proven effective in using advanced analytics in fighting identity fraud horizontally across industries and across fraud attack vectors. Pension account take-over, ID fraud in property claims and entitlement ID theft in the public sector have just begun to receive the focus found in the financial services industry.

    Experian’s Solution Consultants will discuss industry trends, the impact of the dark web, and strategies to prevent account take-over and help reduce exposure to identity related schemes like impersonation or synthetic identity.

  • Digital Identity Standards: What's New and What's Next
    Document Published Date: Apr 17, 2018

    Join OWI host Cameron D’Ambrosi and Experian Fraud & Identity Management Senior Business Consultant Keir Breitenfeld as they discuss the impact of NIST’s latest 800-63-3 Digital Identity Guidelines, and how enterprises are adjusting their digital identity strategies to adapt.

  • Is your agency considering a data modernization in 2018?

    Join Experian and Rhode Island DMV on March 29th 10:00 AM PT / 1:00 PM ET.

    We will discuss why modernizations are important in the public sector, common obstacles, and how we worked together to overcome challenges and drive success for RI DMV’s data conversion project in under 6 months. We'll also take you beyond the modernization, and shed some light on how RI is supporting data management proactively.

  • Data migrations begin (and end) with data quality
    Document Published Date: Sep 15, 2017

    Most companies are likely to undergo a data migration project at some point. Our 2017 global data benchmark report revealed that 83% of data migrations fail or exceed their budgets and schedules. Given all this business investment, doesn't it make sense to invest in the quality of data being migrated before it costs your organization?

    This white paper takes a look at the biggest obstacles in data migrations, how to complete a migration project in time and on budget, and provides a pre-migration impact assessment checklist to ensure your data migration success.

  • The Idaho Transportation Department is a government organization responsible for maintaining state transportation infrastructure and providing top-tier services to state residents. To meet that goal, they need to have a consolidated view of their residents. However, information spread across siloed databases prevented them from accurately matching citizen records, and thus providing a positive customer experience.

    Read this case study to find out how the Idaho Transportation Department used our data management and data matching tool to identify duplicate records and proactively address data quality issues.

  • Identity proofing insights and best practices
    Document Published Date: Feb 1, 2017

    It’s time to start thinking of yourself as an identity-proofing expert. You’ll be grateful when you are confidently authenticating individuals while delivering a great user experience.

    This paper provides our perspective on identity proofing and risk-based authentication — and more specifically — how those activities may be leveraged for remote access to information systems. Content provided is intended to highlight current industry conditions, risk-based authentication concepts and best practices, and lastly how our expertise with comprehensive identity proofing and risk-based authentication can help you mitigate risk while delivering a great user experience.

  • The Evolution of Identity Management
    Document Published Date: Mar 28, 2016

    Don't get blind sided - Gain insight in establishing an identity management strategy that will adapt to new challenges, authenticating users, mitigating risk, adhering to regulatory constraints without impeding the user experience, and more.

  • Whether you are a federal, state or local government professional, we have the comprehensive data and integrated analytics you need to prevent fraud, waste and abuse, verify eligibility requirements, protect against cyber-security threats and improve collection outcomes. Please complete this short survey for us to best identify your area of need. You will then receive resources to help your agency succeed.

  • Data Breach Response Guide 2014-2015 Edition
    Document Published Date: Jul 8, 2015

    According to a recent data breach preparedness study by the Ponemon Institute, much has changed in the world of data breaches in the past year; some are positive, others a bit more challenging. It's no secret that, according to the study, more companies suffered a data breach in 2013 versus the year before.

    The more organizations can do to prepare themselves, by developing and maintaining a comprehensive data breach response plan, the better off they will be in the months and years to come.

  • Streamlining Eligibility Verification
    Document Published Date: Apr 15, 2013

    As the need for help -- and the equal need to reduce spending -- increases, public assistance programs are under tremendous pressure to maximize their limited resources in order to provide more services with shrinking budgets. Key to this effort is the importance of ferreting out fraud, waste and abuse, and eliminating inefficiencies, while ensuring that these services are provided to those individuals that qualify to receive them.

  • Issue Brief: Beyond Traditional Eligibility Verification
    Document Published Date: Dec 6, 2012

    How Data and Analytics Can Reduce Fraud and Deliver Better Program Compliance

  • Published Date: Nov 1, 2012

    A risk-based approach to agency identity proofing: Experian's lessons learned and best practices for government agencies.

  • Learn best practices for maximizing collections in the Public Sector. Experian, in cooperation with Governing Magazine, recently completed a nationwide survey of governmental agencies. The survey sought to determine the types of collection efforts in which governments engage and looked at areas where those entities face challenges to better collect. Experian's collection professionals then compared the government activities with commercial best practices to identify those processes underutilized in the public sector. This white paper presents those practices.

  • Over $1 billion paid out in fraudulent benefit claims & social housing provision could be eradicated if simple fraud-prevention techniques were implemented more widely across the public sector.