First-Party Data Management
Is your first-party data up-to-date and accurate without outdated, fractured, or incomplete information? Learn how to manage your data to increase cross-channel marketing effectiveness.
- Resolve, clean, link, verify, and enrich your first-party data.
- Have a single, precise view of consumers to connect with them in more personalized, meaningful ways.
ID Verification & Fraud Prevention
- Seamless integration with existing KYC/sales processes to assist with FTC compliance needs.
- Detect first-party fraud, third-party fraud, and synthetic identity fraud in a single solution.
- Safe, quick, and transparent self-service ID scanning and validation.
Targeted Marketing Audiences
- Conquest consumers who have recently paid off a vehicle loan or have equity in their current vehicle.
- Get predictive data insights on customer life and vehicle events such as new home, new child, service preference, make/model or fuel type preference etc.
- Increase service revenue with audiences based on Timing for Service (30/60/90 days).
Experian AutoCheck® VHRs
- 4.5+ million exclusive auction announcements; most reporting structural damage.
- Get up-to-date reported accidents in weeks rather than months.
- Experian AutoCheck has recall coverage for 98.96% of all vehicles in operation.