Practical Small Business Marketing Strategies from John Jantsch

In an enlightening interview, we sat down with John Jantsch to discuss his latest book, "Building The Ultimate Marketing Engine," and gain insight into the book's inspiration.

During our conversation, John shared valuable insights:

  1. Resilience in Tough Times: Businesses must create a meaningful impact on customers and employees.

  2. Unchanging Marketing Principles: The core principle of earning trust remains constant; advocating for value-driven approaches over intrusive tactics.

  3. Customer Success Track: John highlighted how businesses can guide customers through stages, enhancing products, services, and sales messaging.

  4. Redefining the Customer Journey: Jantsch challenged the linear customer journey funnel, suggesting a holistic approach to create  customer experiences that foster advocacy and repeat business.

  5. Building Trust in Marketing: Businesses should appear trustworthy by maintaining a credible online presence, showcasing positive reviews, and simplifying feedback.

John Jantsch

Read the full transcript of the interview with John Jantsch

We had the privilege of sitting down with John Jantsch to discuss his latest book, "Building The Ultimate Marketing Engine," and gain insight into the book's inspiration.

During our engaging conversation, John shed light on several key concepts:

1. Resilience in Tough Times: John underscored the significance of businesses creating a meaningful impact in the lives of both customers and employees, especially during challenging periods. He illustrated this point with a real-life success story of one of his clients, Charlie, whose remodeling business maintained remarkable resilience by nurturing strong connections with its customer base and team.

2. Marketing Principles Remain Unchanged: Despite the ever-evolving digital marketing landscape, John stressed that the fundamental principle of earning trust remains unwavering. He firmly believes that businesses should continue prioritizing value delivery to customers instead of resorting to intrusive or spammy marketing tactics.

3. Customer Success Track: Introducing the innovative concept of the "Customer Success Track," John emphasized how businesses can guide their customers through various stages of growth, adapting their approach to meet evolving needs. This approach holds the potential to enhance not only products and services but also sales messaging for businesses across diverse industries.

4. Redefining the Customer Journey: Challenging the conventional notion of a linear customer journey funnel, Jantsch proposed a holistic approach. He suggested that the true opportunity lies in crafting an end-to-end customer experience that cultivates repeat business and generates valuable referrals. In this vision, every customer becomes an advocate for the business.

5. Building Trust in Marketing: John's interview accentuated the paramount importance of building trust in marketing efforts. He emphasized that businesses must establish themselves as trustworthy entities in the eyes of potential customers. This involves cultivating a credible online presence, showcasing positive reviews and results, and simplifying the process for customers to provide feedback.

John Jantsch's insights from our interview provide a glimpse into the wealth of knowledge and practical guidance found in his book, "Building The Ultimate Marketing Engine." His expertise underscores the value of timeless marketing principles and strategies that can empower businesses to thrive in an ever-changing landscape.