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It’s no secret that the COVID-19 Delta variant is threatening holiday plans across the country. As CDC mandates change and the flu season matures,...

Published: August 26, 2021 by Sunaina Chaudhary, Director of Innovation

Email hashing was originally intended to be used as an email security feature that has ended up being a very powerful marketing tool. A...

Published: August 25, 2021 by Experian Marketing Services

The result of epic shifts from traditional cable to streaming television, the CTV ecosystem is experiencing compounded fragmentation, making it challenging for marketers to...

Published: August 25, 2021 by Experian Marketing Services

Third-party data has become the cornerstone to improve marketing effectiveness across all types of online and offline media. Consumer packaged goods (CPG) marketing faces...

Published: August 17, 2021 by Steve Zimmerman, Director of Custom Analytics, Abby Mroczenski-Hanus, Statistics Analyst Expert

Study reveals that brands with more mature identity programs were significantly more likely to be successful in achieving their key objectives Tapad, a part...

Published: August 9, 2021 by Experian Marketing Services

Marketers are always challenged to expand sales beyond “business as usual,” while being good stewards of company resources spent on marketing. Every additional dollar...

Published: July 8, 2021 by Michael Richardson, Manager of Analytical Delivery

As kids are packing their new backpacks and heading back to school, search trends and online behavior give insights about the things students (and...

Published: June 29, 2021 by Experian Marketing Services

Third-party cookies have been a crucial component in people-based advertising and digital identity. With Google’s recent announcement of delaying third-party cookie deprecation to 2024,...

Published: May 28, 2021 by Klaudette Christensen, Chief Operating Officer of Experian Marketing Services

As today’s digital landscape gets more and more complicated there are more ways for brands to connect with users and drive purchases and more...

Published: May 19, 2021 by Experian Marketing Services

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At Experian Marketing Services, we use data and insights to help brands have more meaningful interactions with people. As leaders in the evolution of the advertising landscape, Experian Marketing Services can help you identify your customers and the right potential customers, uncover the most appropriate communication channels, develop messages that resonate, and measure the effectiveness of marketing activities and campaigns.

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