Credit attributes
Use our attributes or build and manage your own using the latest statistical techniques as building blocks for your predictive models and business strategies
In today’s lending environment, you need comprehensive growth strategies and the right solutions. Our advanced credit attributes give you the power to make consistent and enhanced lending decisions to drive growth and help you meet your goals.
Experian® has been developing models and analytics with industry-leading attributes since 1976. Our data engineers offer best practice attribute management strategies, industry-leading feature sets and even specialized software for accessing data and developing stable attributes.
Our analytics team follows a consistent cadence of new attribute releases, so you can focus on your business instead of attribute management. We bring to market innovative and unique attribute concepts based on new data elements, bureau data reporting updates and changing industry trends to provide additional opportunities in segmentation and risk assessment for enhanced decisioning.
Our rigorous attribute governance protocols can stand up to today’s strict regulatory scrutiny. We take, expand, update and add new attributes over time based on economic, bureau and reporting changes.
We can help you become more efficient, compliant and effective with your attribute management strategy — no matter where your attributes come from (your own or from a third party).
Get the inside edge from our wide array of credit attributes that leverage over three decades of credit data expertise.
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