Small Business Research

Experian's small business credit research reports make it easy to find a variety of information about any business in our database of over 27 million active U.S. businesses. Our precise and unbiased credit reports offer you the vital facts and figures required for making powerful business decisions.

We offer several business reports. The chart below presents available data and how it helps you:

Information may include: How it helps:
Business Background Information Tells you if a business is a registered corporation with the state, whether it has paid the state any fees owed and if the business is active or inactive.
Comprehensive Financial Information Protect your money and reduce liability and fraud.
Credit Risk Factors Avoid surprises from current customers when you review them for credit increases.
Fictitious Business Names Make sure you know the real name and address of the business owners.
Banking, Trade and Collections History Know what to expect based on an account's historical business practices.
Past Liens, Judgments, Business Registrations and Bankruptcies Quickly determine whether you can confidently make a credit decision concerning a new customer or if further investigation is needed.
Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) Filings Easily assess the business credit risk of a potential new customer based on the collateral (such as equipment, real estate, inventory and accounts receivable) the customer used to obtain credit.

Get the insight you need to understand your customers thoroughly.

Business Credit Score Report

Price: $49.95