Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ for verifiers to find answers to the most commonly asked questions
What employers can I verify the information for through Experian Verification Fulfillment?
Experian Verification Fulfillment is a single-source provider. We can verify the information for any employee and employer. If we do not already have the information, we complete a thorough search and get it for you, click here to request a verification.
Am I still charged a fee if Experian Verification Fulfillment cannot provide the requested information?
There is no charge for requests from employers with whom we have a direct relationship. There is still a charge for researched requests because we must complete a thorough search to conclude that the data is unavailable.
Can information be verified over the telephone?
Employee data cannot be verified over the telephone. If you do not have internet access, we can fax or mail the report to you. Please contact customer support for assistance.
What if I forget my login or password?
Go to your login page, enter your email address, and click the "FORGOT PASSWORD" button to have a password reset emailed to you.
If I am a social service agency, can I verify employment through Experian Verification Fulfillment?
If you are a social service agency and need to verify employment, please register for a complimentary verification account.
Frequently Asked Questions – Employers and Employees
What is Experian Verification Fulfillment?
Experian Verification Fulfillment provides fast, accurate data to anyone you, as an employee, have authorized to verify your employment and/or income. It is designed to help private and government verifiers obtain access to employment and wage information in response to your request for some type of service or benefit.
Can I verify my employment through Experian Verification Fulfillment if I am an employee?
Yes, if you are an employee and have been referred to Experian Verification Fulfillment to verify your employment, you can access the Verification Fulfillment employee portal to view your employment report.
Why do companies use Experian Verification Fulfillment?
In addition to being more cost-effective, it allows the fastest (usually instant) access to the information that verifiers (your lender, landlord, new employer, social service agency, etc.) are looking for to finalize applications.
Why should I use this service?
Using Experian Verification Fulfillment online verification service helps ensure that verifications are the most accurate and timely information.
Who are Verifiers?
A Verifier is a person or organization trying to verify your employment or income information. Examples of verifiers include Mortgage Companies, Government Agencies, Property Managers and Leasing Agencies.
What is a Government Agency?
An agency that provides state or federal aid to qualified applicants, for example, Social Services, Human Services, Social Security Administration, Family Services, Housing Authorities, Work Programs and Medicaid.
Is my data secure? Who can access my data?
Yes. Your wage data can be accessed only by a person or organization with your full social security number, employee authorization for accessing income information, and has been credentialed and authenticated by Experian. Only a few government agencies may access your data without you granting permission.
What do I have to do?
Nothing. You only need to access the system if you want to. Otherwise, your data is protected by Experian and given only to authorized and credentialed verifiers.
Why would I want to access the system?
By setting up a user password you can access your verification report for free, see who has been verifying your data, and block all private access to your data. (Some government agencies may still be able to access it.)
What do I need to do to set up my own access?
The first time you log in you will be asked to register. You will enter a code provided by your employer and personal information (e.g., Name, Social Security Number, Date of Birth, email address), and asked to create a password. Some employers may elect to enable Single Sign On which will allow employees to login when accessing from their employer's intranet.
Are there costs associated with a verification?
Experian Verification Fulfillment provides verifiers the necessary employment and/or income information on your behalf. Experian Verification Fulfillment provides this service because verifiers want to get this information directly from the employer or our provider, Experian Verification Fulfillment. As a service provider of this information, a cost is associated with getting a secure verification. The Private Verifier incurs the cost of this secure employment verification as they request the verification. There is no cost for Government verifications associated with government assistance.
What if my landlord or lender refuses to pay?
If somebody refuses to pay, you can log into the system, generate your own verification, and provide it to whomever you want.
Will my verifier use the system?
Most employers use this, or a similar service and verifiers usually like it because it speeds up their process.
How current is the data?
The system is updated with employment information daily, and payroll information bi-weekly
The FAQ didn't answer my question. What should I do?
If you have additional questions, please contact us at verify.support@experian.com.