Creating a Better Tomorrow

The Creating a Better Tomorrow Award was born out of Experian’s successful Social Innovation program, which is dedicated to using our peoples’ skills to create and accelerate products and services that help improve financial health for consumers. This could include helping consumers to reduce their debts, be able to afford healthcare or establish an identity so they can take the first steps to accessing basic financial products.

Financial Resilience (UK&I)

Financial Resilience

Region: UK&I
Project summary:
 We developed this tool primarily for local authorities (councils) and housing associations to identify people close to falling into financial vulnerability using economics, research and demographic data through advanced analytical methods. Around 16 million people and 700,000 households will have benefitted and local authorities will have been able to make better use of limited resources and limit the risks of default or other issues arising from individuals falling into financial vulnerability.

Score Turbo (Brazil)

Score Turbo

Region: Brazil

Project summary: Score Turbo is a free-to-use service designed to help people manage their debt payments, improve their credit score and enhance their prospects for accessing credit. People get rewarded for paying their bills. Through Serasa Limpa Nome (our online debt resolution marketplace) they have the opportunity to “Turbo” their score by making payments on older bills and debts. They can also keep current credit repayments up to date before they become overdue. Since launching in September 2020, people have received a 22-point increase in their score on average, and more than 69 million points have been distributed overall, with almost 8 million people benefitting from this service.

Online Patient Scheduling

Online Patient Scheduling

Region: NA
Project summary:
 Nearly 8 in 10 people in the United States want to be able to schedule their own medical appointments, as well as complete their registration and pay bills, at any time of day or night. That’s why Experian Health created an online patient scheduling solution that allows patients to schedule appointments, get cost estimates, see payment options and check into appointments, while allowing healthcare providers ease of registration and identity verification. On average, patients using this service have been able to access a first appointment within 4.7 days of booking, and we’ve been able to help book 238,000 vaccination appointments across 12 clients since launch.