When it comes to acquiring new customers, providing a seamless customer experience early in the sales process sets the groundwork for a long-lasting relationship. Your sales team is tasked with turning prospects into customers while your credit team is tasked with evaluating risk and enforcing credit policies. You need a simple tool that unites your sales and credit teams early in the sales process and that provides a seamless client experience for your prospects. BusinessIQ Mobile is a self-service app that allows users to quickly evaluate the risk profile of prospective clients while away from the desktop. Leveraging the comprehensive decisioning capabilities of DecisionIQ, your sales teams have the power to enforce your credit policies while providing instant decisions on new prospects.

  • Business finder — Easily locate prospects via the mobile app by entering in the business name, city and state. Sales reps can select from a list of businesses which matched their search criteria.
  • Mobile report generator — After finding a prospect via the app, a mobile report is generated providing a high-level summary of the business’ contacts, website, industry, and most importantly the credit decision. The mobile report is completely configurable by your BusinessIQ administrator.
  • Mobile to desktop synch — Credit departments have access to view the mobile activity using their BusinessIQ desktop application. All mobile reports are stored in the desktop application for transparency and audit purposes.

Self-Service tool that everyone will love

With instant decisions that are backed by your corporate credit policy, Sales can prospect confidently knowing their customer is credit approved. With BusinessIQ Mobile, the credit department is happy, sales is happy, but most importantly — the client is happy. Everyone wins.

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