Enhanced technology for more confident matches

Find the right business the first time

Experian Business Information Services is excited to introduce our next-generation search match technology, designed with you in mind. OneSearchTM uses a combination of Predictive matching and AI to evaluate a broader set of identity elements, reducing run time by an average of 80%. This technology helps you identify the right customer the first time to make quicker and more informed commercial credit decisions.  By leveraging modern technology utilizing machine learning, Experian is able to match up to 10 times faster than competitors and is able to pinpoint up to 20% more exact matches across a sample of customer portfolios.  Experian’s search match process will be able to quickly adapt to changing conditions to find the best and highest quality matches.

Modern Technology (Machine learning)

Powered by Deep Learning, OneSearch delivers confident, exact matches, making it easier for you to find the right business the first time.

Efficient (probabilistic)

Find the right business quickly, with minimal data input. Look up businesses with just the business name, address, phone number or contact name.

Innovative (keeping clients ahead of the competition)

By utilizing Machine Learning technology you get higher hit and success rates, more customers, better vendors and peace of mind that you’re seeing the whole picture.

Start saving today

See how much time and money you could potentially save by leveraging Experian’s OneSearch technology.

Time Savings

Adjust your average portfolio size:

1M records

One Million
  • 100K Records
  • 1M Records
  • 15M Records

ROI results





Time Saved


Productivity Savings

Input your average revenue per record:

Productivity efficiency

Based on 1M records and match rate improvements, here are your ROI results:

Low Lift


Average Lift


High Lift


Learn more about OneSearch

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Learn more about OneSearch from this product sheet.

Learn more about OneSearch