Social Media Insight™
Breakthrough alternative data for risk assessment
Making business decisions with limited data is a huge risk. When it comes to new or emerging businesses with thin or no credit profiles, lenders must be armed with the right data to confidently and quickly assess a business.
As a breakthrough, alternative data source for risk assessment, Social Media Insight leverages social data to help lenders build a more complete picture of businesses with thin credit files. More specifically, it will enable you to:
For businesses that have thin credit profiles, a strong social media reputation can be a good measure of health. Social Media Insight aggregates social data that is directly sourced and turns it into predictive attributes:
Social Media Insight is available via batch, including archive files, and online via API.
*Results based on an Experian DataLabs study with Experian’s Intelliscore model.
Learn more about what Social Media Insight has to offer from this product sheet.
Gain a distinct competitive advantage by receiving social media data real-time via our Social Media Insight API.