Grab your favorite HR-approved beverage and spend your 15-minute break with our experts as they help solve your top business challenges and pain points. Browse below to find the right Sip and Solve™ session that could help you solve your business challenges.

How to use blended data for analysis

Learn how to use blended scorecard in your small business decisioning. Get an overview of blended decision making, why it’s important and what data can be leveraged to start or enhance your blended data analysis.

How to use blended data for analysis

Learn to avoid common pitfalls from a real world example of failure in the supplier risk assessment process. See how it caused significant disruption for a major healthcare provider.

How to identify risky businesses using alternative data

With technology and innovation accelerating the pace of business at unprecedented rates, ensuring all aspects of your business processes can keep up becomes mission-critical. We talk about how risk management practices are evolving beyond using just industry codes and how you can better assess the identity of business by leveraging alternative data.

Optimize Portfolio Performance During Stagflation

The U.S. economy is growing, but the pain caused by staff shortages; supply chain delays during Covid and now the war in Ukraine. Rising inflation is further complicating things to the degree that credit departments might start to see their DSO creeping up as forbearance and deferrals expire. 

In this session, gain some actionable tips for doing more with less, and how you can be more proactive in your portfolio management during a changing economy.

Modernize your credit approval process in 3 simple steps

Modernizing your credit approval process can feel daunting in the beginning stages, but it doesn't have to be. By starting small with some basic automation principals and tips, you can begin to implement change more easily over time in order to drive incremental returns for your business. 

A perfect match - why good match rates mean better ROI

There are numerous challenges behind finding the right business with significant upside in doing so. If you’re able to increase your ability to find the right business by just 10%, it could have a significant impact on your bottom line. Learn how Experian tackles these challenges and gain an understanding on best practices for how you can solve for them.

Four risk scoring options to modernize approvals

Risk Scoring is often a critical first step for any business attempting to modernize its credit approval process. The process can feel daunting, especially if you're new to basic automation principals and scoring concepts. In this session, we'll review a best practice framework aimed at helping businesses modernize their credit approval process. 

Expand Safely with International Credit Reports

In our increasingly interconnected world, understanding the nuances of international risk is vital for businesses looking to expand their horizons. In this session, learn effective risk mitigation strategies when expanding into foreign markets. 

How to use alternative data in decision models

Learn how alternative data can make a big impact in your business.

Make more accurate commercial credit decisions and underwrite traditionally difficult small businesses with the help of alternative data.

Combating digital fraud attacks

In today's digital evolution, traditional methods of verification while still vital is ineffective in combating today's fraudsters. There's now an ever-increasing need to apply a layered approach and leverage probabilistic techniques such as machine learning, device and telephony intelligence to help combat fraudsters who have access to the same traditional data you're verifying as part of your existing fraud strategy. In this session you will learn why traditional identity data is insufficient in the digital world.

Unintended harm - is your fraud prevention hurting financial inclusion?

Unintended harm - is your fraud prevention hurting financial inclusion?

We often hear anecdotes from our clients about a recent string of bad debt, soliciting advice on how best to prevent future losses. Typically, with an increase in credit loss, maybe your natural reaction is to tighten up on credit evaluation criteria to screen out look-alikes? In so doing, you can also impact the ability to grow, and in the process, exclude good customers by retooling your lending criteria, weeding out fraud.

In this session, we'll explore whether tightening your credit score cards could unintentionally cause dozens, hundreds, thousands of small businesses not to receive the credit they deserve.

Meet the Experts

Want to learn more about the insights presented here? Connect with our subject matter experts from the Commercial Data Sciences team for a deeper dive.

Brodie Oldham

Brodie Oldham

Senior Director of Analytic Consultancy

Brodie leads a team of statistical consultants with diverse skills to provide clients with leading edge analytic-driven information solutions, services, and actionable insights. He is an industry expert, who speaks on behalf of Experian at industry conferences.

Emily Garrett

Emily Garrett

Manager of Commercial Decision Sciences for Ascend Platform

Emily leads a team of analytical consultants with strong statistical and decision science skills who focus on bringing the rich and diverse data contained within the Ascend platform. She brings a strong analytical background, including in small business lending, and uses this experience to lead innovation within the small business lending space.

Javier Rodriguez-Paiva

Javier Rodriguez-Paiva

Strategic Analytic Consultant

Javier leads fraud analytics consulting in the Commercial Decision Sciences team at Experian. In his role, he assists clients with comprehensive fraud management strategies, with an eye on both loss mitigation and business growth. Javier has 10+ years of experience in the analytics consulting role and the financial industry, with a wide breadth of hands-on experience in risk, financial, sales, and marketing data-driven strategy development.

Marsha Silverman

Marsha Silverman

Strategic Analytic Consultant

Marsha leads strategic analytic solutions within Experian’s US Commercial Data Sciences team. In her role, she consults with various clients to drive comprehensive businesses strategies through use of Experian data and analytics across the product lifecycle from prospecting, account acquisition and underwriting through account management. Marsha is an industry expert with 30 years of experience in Financial Services focusing on both risk and marketing analytics for consumer and commercial lending.

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