Social media guidelines
If you require any clarification on any of the points raised on this page, please contact us.
Social media provides valuable opportunities to engage and connect with customers, consumers and communities. This site explains how to govern and leverage our brand identity when using social media channels. Please read and follow these guidelines carefully to ensure that we continue to build a strong and consistent brand.
If you have any questions or need more information regarding Experian’s social media activity, please contact Mike Delgado (
Brand mark/logo Icon
Use the Experian brand mark/logo icon (the “e” with the squircles) as the profile photo on all social media channels. Existing logo files are available for the following social media pages: Facebook, Glassdoor, Instagram, LinkedIn, SoundCloud, Tumblr, Twitter and YouTube.
When resizing the logo, be sure to keep one large purple squircle clear space around each side. Based upon the configuration of some social media channels, the logo may appear to be off-center. Additional file formats of this logo are available on the Brand Asset Hub.
This icon, along with the local market variations including Datacrédito Experian and Serasa Experian as noted, are the only approved social media logo icons. Please don't attempt to recreate or design one unique to your business unit.

The logo is currently available in these sizes. If you need a new size, please contact the brand team for assistance. If you have any questions about channels not listed here, please contact Mike Delgado.
Remember: The logo must not be changed in any way.

Page naming and branding
All business units should use the same corporate logo icon. If your business unit has its own social media page, it should be indicated in the name description.

Primary photography—used on primary and secondary faces (e.g., front covers, homepage, social media headers)
Our primary photographic style uses luminous colour photography to create a distinctive, modern and ownable style.
Social media posts may be either static or video/motion content. A post may also have been created for another use besides just social media.
Secondary photography — used on secondary face (e.g., social media posts)
Secondary photography isn’t used on the primary face of applications. Instead, it’s used on the secondary faces of applications (e.g., social media posts, sublevel pages of a website). It’s also used to a lesser extent and often at smaller sizes.
Further details on our brand photography style can be found in the photography section.
A large variety of primary and secondary photography assets can be found on the Brand Asset Hub, so we encourage you to change out your imagery often. Please note some of the imagery has usage restrictions, so please contact the brand team if you have any questions about usage rights on a particular image.
For video content, please follow the video guidelines for choosing title slide imagery.

All our photography is authentic, engaging and honest. It creates the backdrop to our brand and defines our look and feel.
We capture the unique relationships we nurture and the inspired opportunities our brand can provide for our customers.
Our photography shows people in bright and optimistic situations.
- Brand lifestyle photography
We want to ensure that our photography is on-brand and follows our look and feel principles whenever possible. This will create an ownable style that can be recognised even without the use of overt branding. Follow the guidance on this page to create on-brand photography. Keep these points in mind when commissioning bespoke photography. - Composition overview
All our photography is authentic, engaging and honest. We're looking for a controlled composition within our photography; that means it should always feel spacious, uncluttered and inspiring. Images should ideally show an individual person going about a task, or alternatively a couple or small group interacting or collaborating. - Setting
The subjects in our photography can be captured in interior or exterior environments as we believe this provides the flexibility to tell rich and engaging stories. Outdoor activities can be used to bring subjects like “common goals”, “forward-thinking” and “opportunities” to life while indoor shots can bring lifestyle stories such as “future planning”, “family”, “workplace”, etc., to life. As the focus is on the subjects — observed in a natural and positive action or activity and not overly aware of the camera — the setting should be secondary and blend into a neutral backdrop for the subjects. We also want to avoid clumsy or cliché visual metaphors — our imagery should illustrate a concept and idea through either literal representations or, if required, more abstract conceptual photography (using headlines or text in conjunction with these images will help to communicate the intended message and meaning).
- Depth of field
We aim to use a degree of depth of field, where areas such as the foreground or background are slightly out of focus in order to put more emphasis on the subjects and add both a layer of richness and a natural feel to images.
- Uncluttered backgrounds
The sole focus of our brand photography should be the subjects, so we try to make sure we use scenes that are calm and recessive and that bring focus to the captured moment. Within our primary photography, we also look for neutral, even colour tones in the background areas, as this allows for ease of copy placement.
- Colour and brightness
Our images need to create a bright, optimistic and positive atmosphere as well as give us an ownable look. Using post-production methods, we use a combination of increased brightness and desaturation to make our primary images look overexposed, but for our secondary photography, we require the positive atmosphere to be reflected in the actual shoot.
Further details on our brand photography style can be found in the photography section.
Our primary colour photography has a distinctive, modern and ownable look. However, if you’re limited to stock imagery, it’s much more difficult to find photography in this style, so you may want to alter an image to match the Experian look.
To alter stock photography to achieve our primary image style, you first need to start with the proper image. Some imagery is already very close to our style and may not need much altering at all. Imagery that’s light, bright and uncluttered — or has a distinct depth of field is the best to start with. Images that are dark and busy aren’t good choices.

This section illustrates the process for creating our unique photographic styling. This is achieved using Adobe Photoshop.
Step 1:
Here we increase the brightness in the range between 5% and 30%. Note: Avoid extremely high levels of brightness to keep enough detail within the light areas.
Step 2:
As a next step, the image saturation should be reduced by between 5% and 40%. Avoid reducing the saturation below the recommended figures to ensure there is still sufficient colour and contrast left in the photography.
The final result should be an image that still has colour and detail, without being too washed out. If you have any hesitation about achieving this result on your own, it is best to engage the assistance of a design professional.
Note: The percentage changes made will be dependent on the characteristics of the original image. The end result should match the examples shown in these guidelines.

Header imagery
We also communicate the Experian brand through our social media header images. Our social media header design elements are already stylised images from the Experian library, paired with headlines set in the corporate typeface. All our social media headers should follow the image style from the brand guidelines. Special holiday headers or campaigns that may alter the branding need to be approved by the brand team before posting.
The subjects in our primary photography should be positioned off-centre. This asymmetry adds dynamism to a composition. It also helps to create much wider open spaces in a shot and a greater feeling of depth and expansiveness.
The headlines are set in Din Next Light, and use the Experian dark blue colour in RGB: 29/79/145. Headlines are placed in bright open areas, text is flush left. Pay attention to channel type overlays. For example, for the Sound Cloud header, the headline is aligned with the copy lines above it.

Here are examples of some approved primary photography images that can be used for social media headers. Further imagery can be found on the Brand Asset Hub; however, if you wish to create your own header imagery, please refer to the guidelines provided in the photography style and photography treatment pages of this guide.
Certain business units with substantial marketing campaigns may want their social media channels to support the campaign. In this case, it’s acceptable to alter the header layouts to work with the campaign.

Content posted on social media channels can use either primary or secondary imagery. Here's a selection of imagery from the approved library showing both options.
For video content, please follow the video guidelines for choosing title slide imagery

Profile photo:
- Experian app logo
Cover photo:
- Photo from the image library
- Profile photo 180 X 180 px
- Cover image 851 X 315 px
Brand assets:
*Check with the social media channel for the latest updates in dimensions for these elements.

Profile photo:
- Experian app logo
Cover photo:
- Photo from the image library
- Profile photo 180 x 180 px
- Cover Image 1440 x 275 px
Brand assets:
*Check with the social media channel for the latest updates in dimensions for these elements.

Profile photo:
- Experian app logo
Cover photo:
- Photo from the image library
- Profile photo 400 x 400 px
- Header showcase 974 x 330 px
- Header 1536 x 768 px
Brand assets:
*Check with the social media channel for the latest updates in dimensions for these elements.

Profile photo:
- Experian app logo
Cover photo:
- Photo from the image library
- Profile photo 1000 x 1000 px
- Cover image 2480 x 520 px
Brand assets:
*Check with the social media channel for the latest updates in dimensions for these elements.

Profile photo:
- Experian app logo
Cover photo:
- Photo from the image library
- Profile photo 400 X 400 px
- Cover image 1500 X 500 px
Brand assets:
*Check with the social media channel for the latest updates in dimensions for these elements.

Profile photo:
- Experian app logo
Cover photo:
- Photo from the image library
- Profile photo 800 X 800 px
- Cover image 2560 X 1440 px
- Brand assets:
Channel art guidelines:
*Check with the social media channel for the latest updates in dimensions for these elements.

Cover photo:
- Should be a graphic image treatment with the abbreviated Experian logo in the lower right-hand corner. The abbreviated logo doesn't need to be used if the full logo is used in the cover image.
- Square image: 3000 X 3000 px
- Rectangle image 1920 x 1080 px
Brand assets:
Channel art guidelines:
*Check with the social media channel for the latest updates in dimensions for these elements.

Quick guide