Email guidelines

If you require any clarification on any of the points raised on this page, please contact us.

Typeface for emails

Use Arial for emails and other onscreen applications where the typeface DIN Next is unavailable. Arial is a system font and is installed on most PCs and Macs, which ensures all users can view this font.

Arial is a highly legible onscreen font and retains good legibility at small sizes. Arial is the default font that will be used when a system font is required.

Note: Arial should be used for emails.

All text should be written in sentence case.

We use the weights and styles listed on this page. Arial can be used in regular, italic, bold and bold italic. Arial bold is used for headings and subheadings and Arial regular for body text.

Email Typography

General text, links and buttons

Below are best practices for general text, links and buttons for standard emails.


1. H1

Use: headers

Spec: 36px/25/bold/0 character spacing

Dev: 1em/300

Colour: #26478d

Note: Text size can vary depending on word count.

2. H2

Use: subheads for H1

Spec: 20px/25/regular/0 character spacing

Dev: 1em/300

Colour: #26478d

Note: Text size can vary depending on word count.

3. H3

Use: headers for bullet/line list

Spec: 16px/25/bold/0 character spacing

Dev: 1em/300

Colour: #575755

4. Body copy

Use: paragraphs

Spec: 14px (16px for mobile)/25/regular/0 character spacing

Dev: 1em/300

Colour: #575755

5. Disclaimer copy

Use: disclaimer

Spec: 10px/21/regular/0 character spacing

Dev: 1em/300

Colour: #575755



6. Body copy link

Spec: 14px/25/regular/0 character spacing

Dev: 1em/300 Link: #406eb3

Hover: Underline #406eb3

Visited: #406eb3

7. Bullet/line list

Spec: 14px/25/regular/0 character spacing

Dev: 1em/300

Link: #406eb3

Hover: Underline #406eb3

Visited: #406eb3

Main call to action button

8. Corner radius: 6

Colour: Experian purple #ae3e92

Height: 60px (large button)

Length: auto size

Padding: 40px left and right of text

Icons: right caret (required)

Text: Arial regular 16px #ffffff

Standard buttons within the body

9. Corner radius: 6

Colour: Experian dark blue #26478d

Height: 44px

Length: auto size

Padding: 40px left and right of text

Text: Arial regular 16px #ffffff

General text, links & buttons


These wireframes are designed to fit various email campaigns and promotions to meet your needs.

1. Single-column text (HTML) title

2. Single-column text (HTML) title with an image

3. Two-column text (HTML) title with a left image

4. Two-column text (HTML) title with a right spotlight

5. Two-column text (HTML) title with an image and a right spotlight

6. Two-column with a marquee and a right spotlight

7. Two-column with a right image and four related topics

Wireframes 1
Wireframes 2

Responsive wireframes

These responsive email wireframes are designed to fit mobile campaigns and promotions to meet your needs.

The wireframes shown are how the emails will be displayed in responsive.

1. Single-column text (HTML) title

2. Single-column text (HTML) title with an image

Note: Image drops.

3. Two-column text (HTML) title with a left photo

Note: Image drops.

4. Two-column text (HTML) title with a right spotlight

5. Two-column text (HTML) title with an image and a right spotlight

Note: Image drops.

6. Two-column with a marquee and a right spotlight

Note: Image converts to text.

7. Two-column with a right spotlight and four related topics

Note: All images drops.

Responsive Wireframe 1
Responsive Wireframe 2
Responsive Wireframe 3


Here are a few examples of how the brand is applied to the email wireframes as well as in mobile.

1. Standard footer

Email Example 1
Email Example 2
Email Example 3
Email Example 4