Blog Guidelines

If you require any clarification on any of the points raised on this page, please contact us.

Homepage example

The example shows how to apply design for a blog's homepage.

1. Top-level header

2. Local navigation

3. Popular tags

4. Site tools

5. Hero

Won't include data art since images will be from a third party.

6. Heading 1

7. Call to action

8. Image

9. Content/recent post

This will include an overall grid of articles posted.

10. Right spotlight

May include social media outputs like twitter feeds.

11. Gradient

12. Global footer

13. Global footer navigation

14. Global disclosure

Homepage Example

Post page example

The example shows how to apply design for a blog's post pages.

1. Top-level header

2. Local navigation

3. Popular tags

4. Site tools

5. Content/Post

This will include a single article.

6. Header

7. Share

8. Body

9. Right spotlight

May include social media outputs like Twitter feeds.

10. Gradient

11. Global footer

12. Global footer navigation

13. Global disclosure

Post Page Example