
If you require any clarification on any of the points raised on this page, please contact us.

Introducing our iconography

Icons play an important role in the Experian identity and are used to illustrate simple, usually single ideas, such as ‘alert’, ‘email’ or ‘security’. They are a flexible part of our identity — closely linked to our brand identity — and can be used to aid navigation or explain complex concepts.

Please watch this video to find out more about our iconography and other Experian brand graphic elements.

Primary iconography

Our primary icons are used as a way to designate sections or topics in print material as well as aiding core navigation within digital media such as online or within iOS or Android applications. 

Our primary icon style has been based around our core brand identity — they are custom designed and have a truly ownable look. The bold, round curves pick-up on the squircle style as part of the Experian brand mark. We use our distinctive colour palette to allow for maximum flexibility. 

Sixteen examples in four columns of various custom made primary Experian icons

Primary iconography — set-up

All our icons are based on a few principles to ensure a consistent look and feel. We use a 100x100 mm grid to create the icons. Icons are usually centred within this grid.

The following principles apply:

  • Use the grid to create icons.
    (Not all strokes within a icon must fall on a grid line.)
  • Icons are never framed in a holding shape. They are always reproduced either on a white or coloured background.
  • The icons are available in our five primary colours:
    -Experian Dark Blue
    -Experian Light Blue
    -Experian Purple
    -Experian Raspberry
    -Experian Magenta
  • Only one stroke weight should be used throughout (5 mm at 100 mm grid size).
  • Minimum size of the icons is 10 mm. 
Example image of how to design an icon on a 100x100 mm grid

Primary iconography — variations

Our icons can be adapted to suit the application or use. Sometimes icons need to stand out, on other occasions they act as gentle reminders in the background. Depending on the specific use of the icons we offer icons with filled-in shapes and also keyline versions.

The examples shown on this page illustrate the three available styles:

  1. Mixed tint keylines (100% and 40% tint of the primary palette)
  2. White and mixed tint keylines inside squricle (100% white and 40% tint of the primary palette)
  3. White and mixed tint keylines
  4. White keylines only

We recommend choosing a single style for one piece of design. Mixing styles can be confusing and should be avoided.

Note: The flat-coloured backgrounds and squircles are not part of the artwork. They only represent a generic background colour. 

Various Experian icons being used in mixed tints, white and mixed tints, and white keylines.

Other iconography variations

Within digital applications, we have identitifed a need for a variance on our primary icon design to allow for smaller sizes as well as icons that can be used for social media channels.

There are therefore 3 sets of icons that are available to use site wide.

  • Primary icons
    Use: max of 3 icons
    Size: 100px X 100px
    Colour: 1 colour per section
  • Secondary icons
    Use: 4 or more icons
    Line icons
    Size: 40px X 40px
    Colour: Experian Grey #575755 Line width: 1px
  • Social media icons
    Size: 30px X 30px
    Colour: #d0d0d0
    Rollover: Experian Grey #575755

For further details, please refer to the web guidelines.

Examples of various custom made secondary Experian icons


Find out more about our defined photographic style for a more consistent visual approach

Brand voice

How we speak and write, whatever we’re talking about